Volunteers play an integral part in supporting the work of the school and enriching the lives of children and young people.
Benefits for the school of volunteers include that they:
• provide a broader resource base from which to draw positive opportunities for children and young people
• enhance community participation and parent involvement
• expand the social, cultural and educational outcomes for our learners
• provide a safer environment for our learners
• make a positive difference for our learners.
As a parent, grandparent or carer, you have a strong influence on your child’s learning and development from their early years and through school. You don’t have to be an expert or know how to do the work children are learning – supporting and encouraging children to learn makes a big difference.
The Department for Education has reviewed it’s policy over the last 3 years with updates occurring throughout the review period. The policy was completed and published in October 2018. The volunteer policy
- gives site leaders clear guidelines about the requirements for recruitment, induction and management of volunteers, so that they will comply with relevant legislative and policy obligations
- makes sure volunteers will have clear and consistent advice from sites, and receive appropriate and ongoing support and recognition
- provides links to resources to help get suitable volunteers involved at sites.
We value parents, grandparents and community members who volunteer as classroom helpers, on camps and excursions, on committees or as coaches at Woodend PS. Committees include: Governing Council, Parent Network, Finance, OSHC, Sport and Grounds.
Volunteering at Woodend:
If you are wanting to be a volunteer, you are required to complete:
- A Responding to Abuse and Neglect – Education and Care (RAN-EC) online training. This takes approximately 90 minutes and you will print a certificate which you bring to the Front Office as proof of completion. There is a RAN-EC help document showing you how to register.
- A Volunteer Induction online training – this is a general induction which takes approximately 20 minutes and you print out a certificate which you bring to the Front Office as proof of completion.
- A Volunteer Application Form – this includes showing Front Office staff proof of your identity with photo ID and the name and contact details of two referees. You sign and return this form along with these details. This form is also available at the Front Office.
- A Volunteer Agreement Form – you sign and return this form. This form is also available at the Front Office.
Should you want to volunteer as a Sporting Coach or Coordinator, a helper on Excursions and Camps, a host family for visitors (such as Myojo), tertiary students, or if you were volunteering in an activity in which your child is NOT involved, you are also required to complete:
5. A Relevant History Screening by the Department for Communities and Social Inclusion (DCSI) now known as the Department for Human Services (DHS). The link is to a facts sheet which explains the process. This includes a 100 point check as proof of your identity. The cost is now free.
Once the school receives all this necessary documentation, we will have you registered as a volunteer on our system and you can commence volunteering at our school.
We thank you for taking the time and patience to complete this process. The priority is always to ensure your safety and the safety of our students is not compromised.