To celebrate Woodend Primary School’s 20th Birthday we have a number of events occurring during the year. As the official Birthday date is Friday 22 May, our first event will be a day of celebration on that day. The first event is a whole school Assembly from 9:30 – 10:45am. It will be held in the Gym and hosted by the students of room 18 and 25. There will be special guests attending as well as past staff, and the launch of our Birthday Fair. We are anticipating a very packed gym, standing room only. You may prefer to join us for one of the following activities:
- Following Assembly we will be farewelling our special visitors from the oval. The whole school will be present on the oval for this. This will be at approximately 10:40am
- A whole school Birthday picnic lunch on the school oval from 12:30 – 1:00pm. Each class will gather on the oval to enjoy lunch together and there will be a party atmosphere with music, balloons and eating our Birthday cupcakes. Please feel free to bring your lunch to join us. Your classroom teacher will communicate with you the lunch and cupcake arrangements for your child’s class.
- Commemorative wristbands are available for purchase at a cost of $2.00 and will be available from the front office. Students will be permitted to wear these wristbands this year as part of their school uniform.
- In October, we celebrate with a whole school community Fair. The date for this is Saturday 31 October. Further details to follow.
Happy Birthday Woodend!