Annual School Community Christmas Event
Monday 7 December
First Performances from 6:00 pm … A Program will be published on this blog by Friday 4 December.
Neighbours will receive a letter informing them of the evening and the fireworks and a notice has been in the local Messenger. Thank you to those who have volunteered to do the letterbox drop. If you would like to help please contact Kerri.
**BBQ ** **Fireworks**
- Bring a picnic blanket or chairs
- Have a family dinner on the oval
- Buy a snag from the BBQ
- Special Treats
- Cool drinks, Tea and Coffee available
- Catch up with friends
- Enjoy some student and adult performances
- Of course the night will end with our spectacular fireworks display
Parents Please Note:
- This is a family event and we love it that people all make sure that there is a child friendly atmosphere throughout the night.
- We request that all children remain on the grassed area and under the supervision of their parents. Teachers are only responsible for students when gathering backstage and then performing.
- We love our picnic atmosphere and we love it that we have performances throughout the evening. The areas is set up with a large NO CHAIRS central area which is defined by coloured markers; outside that you may set up with your chairs. This no chairs area is for anyone with just a blanket. It is not a standing area for adults. The area immediately in front of the stage, just behind the coloured markers is for taking photos. We ask that anyone taking photos of their child respects the other audience members’ desire to see the performances: DURING PERFORMANCES DO NOT STAND WHEN TAKING PHOTOS FROM FRONT OF STAGE.
- Because of the very large number of people who attend this event, including non-school community members, we have once again this year organised some security to protect our school buildings and spaces east of the oval.
- Fire Appliance Access is required during the night. Please do not park at the Edward Beck Drive gateway ( end of Wavy Fence).
- The fireworks will be fabulous once again this year. Thank you for supporting the last casual day, which largely funds them. On the night the fireworks will be set up on the western side of the cricket pitch. Therefore that area will be out of bounds for the entire evening. At the end of the performances we will have a 10 minute break when everyone will be required to move back in line with the eastern football goals, stage and sandplay area. Once we are all that safe distance away, the fireworks will commence!