The vision for Woodend Children’s Centre is to provide a quality learning environment which is accessible, inclusive and play based. We are committed to pursue excellence in the provision of equitable and inclusive preschool and transition programs for children in their eligible year before school, and occasional care programs for children aged 1 year to 5.8 years.
We support and meet the needs and expectations of families by providing an educational, caring and nurturing environment. We believe that parents are the first and foremost teachers of their children and the most effective learning occurs when the home and preschool work in partnership.
In all services at our centre we aim to provide a safe and secure environment for the child, and a program which is responsive and reflects the needs and interests of each child, family and the community. We encourage and support respectful and reciprocal relationships with families and the community to foster involvement in children’s learning and ongoing involvement in our centre.
At Woodend Children’s Centre we value respectfulness, diversity, the right to play, equity, relationships and reflective practice
Most children and families accessing preschool services are from the Sheidow and Trott Park areas while the Occasional Care service has families from a broader catchment including Reynella and Hallett Cove. WCC offers Universal Access that is 15 hours of preschool per week for children in their eligible year and 6 sessions of funded Occasional Care. We operate during school terms and are closed during school holidays.
Program highlights 2017 included children learning about cultural celebrations like Australia Day, Harmony Day and the Aboriginal and multicultural nature of our country including festivals like Easter, Diwali and Christmas. Each group time started with acknowledgment of country ` Kaurna Welcome` The children were part a Woodend PS assembly where they opened with the Kaurna welcome and song.
The children participated in Book Week with a visit from the librarian of Marion Council to read stories and being part of Book Week parade at Woodend PS. They learned about the nominated story `Go Home Cheeky Animals’. They attended a Patch Theatre performance at the Marion Domain Theatre
We work closely with Woodend PS on curriculum development and children’s development so your child’s orientation and transition to school is smooth. We talk Woodend PS staff including reception teacher, early years’ co-ordinator, deputy principal and principal about children’s learning throughout the year. Our children visit the school throughout the year and the reception teachers with their children (over 90% of our children attend Woodend PS) visit the preschool during the year
Curriculum programs 2017 included: A Science program developed alongside the curriculum to incorporate STEM concepts into children’s learning. This program allowed for children’s interests with activities/experiments to `stretch ’children’s knowledge and thinking so as to develop inquiry and analytical approaches to everyday tasks.
A Music Program from Musical Muscles whose teacher worked regularly with children throughout the year teaching them about rhythm and beat using a variety of instruments and music & movement.
A Physical Education Program which focused on developing, balance, spatial awareness, core strength, and co-ordination skills through teaching children individual and group skills.
A Sustainability Program where children learnt about their environment and were able to understand Recycle, Reduce and Reuse and speak about this to their parents
Our parent contributions are $150 per term if you pay within the first 2 weeks of each term or $160 thereafter. They are inclusive as they help with payment of extra staff to deliver these programs and also excursions and performers throughout the year. While we receive Government funding for staff salaries and grants for maintenance we need your help to provide these extras.
Woodend Children’s Centre has been assessed at the Exceeding level (highest) in all Quality areas of Educational program and practice, Children’s Health, Physical Environment, Staffing arrangements, Relationships with children, Collaborative partnerships with families and communities and Leadership and service management by Education and Early Childhood Services Registration and Standards Board of South Australia. We strive continually for excellence in our teaching of children and work with parent community.
You are most welcome to call 83221069 and make an appointment to view the centre throughout the year.