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Woodend Annual School Community Christmas Event Monday 10 December 2018

by | Nov 26, 2018

The Christmas Event is a giant family picnic on the school oval beginning at 6.00pm. Performances throughout the evening are all just for fun and the evening concludes with fireworks once the sky is dark.

Parents Please Note:

  • This is a family event and we appreciate that all people ensure there is a family friendly atmosphere throughout the night.
  • All children are to remain on the grassed area and under the supervision of their parents. Teachers will assume duty of care when gathering students back stage, through the performance and until students are collected from the stage area by a parent at the conclusion of the performance.
  • We love the picnic atmosphere where we can all enjoy performances through the night. The central area in front of the stage, which is defined by coloured markers, is a NO CHAIRS area reserved for families with picnic blankets only. Please refrain from standing in front of the stage as this blocks the view of others. You are most welcome to SIT in this area to photograph your child only during their performance.
  • Due to the very large numbers of people who attend this event, including non-school community members, there will be security guards on the school grounds to protect our school buildings and spaces east of the oval.
  • Fire appliance access is required during the night. Please do not park at the Edward Beck Drive gateway (end of wavy fence)

Thank you for supporting the upcoming casual day, which contributes significantly to the cost of the fireworks display. On the night the fireworks will be set up in the western side of the cricket pitch and this area will be out of bounds for the entire evening.

At the end of the performances, there will be a 10 minute break when everyone will be required to move back in line with the eastern football goals, stage and sand play area. Once we are all this safe distance away, the fireworks will commence!