Congratulations to you!
Week 1 is nearly complete and your Reception or Year 1 child has successfully manage all the new learning associated with school life. We thank you for supporting your Reception/Year 1 child to get to school promptly and say farewell at or near the classroom entrance. Our teachers have commented on the children’s bravery and their organisation skills as they commence and end the school day.
PROCESS FOR WEEK 2 (Monday 7/2/22):
Beginning next week (Week 2 Monday 7/2/22) and onwards, we ask parents and caregivers to refrain from entering the school grounds. This continues to be a Department for Education and SA Health recommendation so as to minimise the number of adults on school grounds in order to prevent a potential COVID-19 outbreak. This means children are to be brave and enter the school grounds independently and walk to their classroom OR walk with a staff member who will be at each of the gate entrances to take your child to their classroom. The staff members will be wearing visi vests so that you can clearly see and approach them if your child is feeling nervous about entering the school grounds independently. We are there to help your child.
Before school routine:
Room 3 and 4: the teacher will be waiting outside the classroom door to greet your child as they arrive
Room 11 and 12: the teachers will be waiting behind the brushed fence on Edward Beck near the crossing
After school routine:
We have collated the survey results of where you would like your child taken to at the end of the school day. Many families have chosen the Edward Beck exits as their preferred collection point. To avoid congestion at the main “kiss and drop” gate, the Reception classes have made meeting points. You will need to collect your child from these points.
Edward Beck exit:
- Room 3: the logs area on the oval and near “kiss and drop”
- Room 4 and 11: the sandpit area on the oval
- Room 12: behind the brushed fence near the crossing
Bathbank Ct and Franklin Court exits:
- Children will be escorted with a member of staff
- OSHC staff will collect your child from the classroom prior to all children leaving
We encourage children in Year 1 to enter the school grounds and go to their classroom independently. At the end of the school day they attend OSHC or go to your pre-arranged meeting place out of school grounds.
We will be monitoring these arrangements with your classroom teachers throughout next week to ensure that your child remains safe and can grow in independence.
We thank you for supporting our Woodend community by following these restrictions. If we can minimise the number of adults on our school grounds and prevent transmission, we are keeping our community safe.