Thank You To Our Wonderful Volunteers
Our volunteers have again worked so hard this year, generously giving their time, energy and ideas for the benefit of our school. It may be organising or helping out in classrooms, with parent network and Governing Council initiatives, with sports programs, grounds, committees, excursions, the library and uniform shop … the list is full and varied.
All our volunteers are invited to our “Thank You Morning Tea” in Woollard Hall on Friday, 4 December from 10:15 am for a 10:30 start. Student performances will be followed by the morning tea with staff; concluding at 11:15 am .
Invitations have already been sent home. Sometimes we inadvertently forget someone, so if you have been one of our wonderful volunteers and not received an invite, please let us know. Please write the date in your diary and we’ll look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.