Jeannette Scapens (left) pictured with Chris Dinham, our teacher librarian. At a special morning tea on Friday Jeannette was presented with a lovely commemorative book created by our teachers and students.
Jeannette has been a valued member of our library team since 2000. During that time Jeannette has quietly and very effectively gone about her work in the library, processing thousands of books and supporting students and staff with many thousands of enquiries. We will miss her and wish her well as she completes her naturopathic studies, on the way to an exciting new career.
Pictured below is Jeanette with members of out library team over the past few years: Neil Reichstein, Sara Buckley, Felicity Shevchenko, Pru Riggs, with Jeannette and Chris.
I would like you all to know that I have enjoyed my time at Woodend 2000-2016 (minus 2 3/4 yrs in Sydney). It has been an honour to spend so many of my working years with such fun loving and caring staff at Woodend. The school has grown so much (was about 320 students) since I started in May 2000, with only 9 SSO hours in the library with Lyne George as Teacher Librarian, to the big school it is today. I hope that I have helped you and your class during your visits to the library in finding resources and also assisting with borrowing and returning. I won’t, however, miss cataloguing readers (the 7000 readers in 2012 is what drove me to finally start my studies)! But I will miss seeing you all, especially my library team of Chris, Sarah and Felicity who do such a great job making it a top school library. I wish you all and Woodend all the best for the future.