It’s fantastic to see so many families accessing information through our Team App.
Team App is designed to be a ‘one stop shop’ for accessing our school news and other important information. Team App pulls together information from other sources such as our rolling news blog and social media sites and allows users to access this information all from within the app on your phone. Using this app means that you don’t need to go searching for information in lots of different places.
We have received some great feedback and have made some recent changes. We have added groups for kitchen garden volunteers, Jump, Volleyball, our choirs and canteen volunteers. We are also in the process of adding a canteen menu and a space for special event information like sports day maps. If you are already a member, you can go to your settings and access these new teams.
If you haven’t already joined team app, it is easy to do. The app is available for free on all smart phones and can also be accessed from a computer ( Once you have the app, search for ‘Woodend Primary School’ and select the ‘teams’ that you wish to join. Selecting the teams that are relevant to you (eg your child’s class and sports teams) means that you will get only the notifications that you need.
If you haven’t already done so, we encourage you to download the app and start accessing important school information today.