Thank you for all your engagement with STEAM Week. It has been a very positive experience to have students bring investigations/projects/creations/designs from home and to see the development and collaboration of an idea as a family task. We have also had a very positive uptake from parents/carers sharing their occupation linked to Science, Technology, Engineering. Arts and Mathematics (STEAM). This included setting up online via ‘Zoom’ with the class. Thank you for your efforts to make this happen during COVID restrictions.
Although STEAM Week is officially over, STEAM tasks and investigations occur in classrooms throughout the school year as part of our Australian curriculum. These are the investigations undertaken before, during and for many, post STEAM Week. These investigations link to a real-life, authentic problem/s to solve by our students.
RECEPTION: How can we protect our pollinating insects?
YEAR 1: Investigations around ‘materials’
YEAR 2: What are single-use plastics? What are their effect on the environment and what alternatives can we use?
YEAR 3 & YEAR 3/4: Investigations linked to three incursions egs. ‘Deep Sea Show’ and ‘Our Energy Our Future’ and students use Toontastic to create animations linked to the incursions
YEAR 4/5, 5 & YEAR 5/6: Poetry focus and STEAM investigations prepared by each class on a rotational basis
YEAR 6/7: Sustainability and creating a nature fun park/mini expo.
Specialist Teachers: The purpose and re-purposing of materials. Virtual Art Gallery – available to be viewed post STEAM Week and developed by Ms Ellis. Musicians playing instruments during break times in the yard. Music Night presented virtually during STEAM Week.