One student from each family should today bring home a financial statement for your family, with invoices for Materials & Services Fee and Excursion/Incursion Levy attached.
The amount to be paid can be confusing this year due to application of the credit of the 2023 SA Government Rebate of $100, and further confused by any credits remaining of your account from 2022. Please work from the highlighted $ amount shown on your statement, and if you are unsure of the amount to pay, please contact the finance office.
School Card applicants, please pay only the $60 Excursion/Incursion Levy per student until the outcome of your application is known. The SA Government Rebate does not apply to successful School Card applicants, and this rebate cannot be used for the Excursion/Incursion Levy.
Payment Plans are available by contacting the Finance Office.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Finance Office or