Being an SRC member is a very important and valued role in our school. The main role of our SRC is to focus on improvements in learning.
To do that we will:
- spend time on the personal development of all SRC members
- work with all SRC reps to better understand how to help each other to be better learners
- apply democratic decision making and communication processes
Broad Aims for SRC in 2016:
- we want to help SRC reps to strongly model, in their classrooms, good listening for understanding
- we want SRC reps, particularly Yrs 5-7, to be able to strongly influence democratic decision making and communication in their classrooms
- we want SRC to be about helping students have more influence on how their peers think about learning
- we want to improve our SRC blog so that students can use it as an interactive and engaging place to grow ideas and interests and express their views.
- we want to improve the profile of SRC so that all students see that leaders in learning deserve as much credit and profile as sporting leaders.
Goals for 2016
- All SRC members are able to ask questions about anything they are learning and give feedback to teachers about their learning.
- All SRC members understand how to identify and better manage impulses that get in the way of powerful learning.
- All SRC members are able to record their ideas and retrieve them for later use.
SRC members have been invited to present at our AGM on Wednesday 23 March.