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Sports Day Teams, Themes, Cake Stall, Lunch Helpers

by | Mar 12, 2015

Sports Day is coming up on Friday 27 March. A program including map of event locations will be sent  home (hardcopy) on Thursday 26 March. Each year we look forward to the very creative and generous efforts of our cake and biscuit makers who make wonderful donations for our cake stall. All donations go to the sport shed on eastern end of the oval. The funds from the cake stall will go to support our Pedal Prix effort again this year.  We always have a (pre-ordered) sausage sizzle lunch which is delivered to classrooms. This requires helpers who have usually been mustered up with the help of our  parent network … we are seeking your support once again this year.

Teams and Themes

The theme for the 2015 Sports Day is “elements” and the 4 team names have been based on the 4 elements – water, air, earth and fire.

The team names are:

(Fire) Red: Furious Flames – team captains – Ella Hadley, Chloe Dumesny, Erza Veseli and Zac Kannane.

(Earth) Green: Extraordinary Earth – team captains – Danica Bell, Emma Dudley, Sarah Morgan and Patrick Hann.

(Air) Yellow: Lethal Lightning – team captains – Shae Blasdale, Adele Cocks, Briarne Kleims-Carlaw and Lachlan Sharp.

(Water) Blue: Wave Breakers – team captains: Maddie Weakley, Natasha Christophers, April Gray and Josh Burrows.

The captains have been putting in a tremendous amount of effort in preparing chants and the whole school warm up dance. They are looking forward to teaching the chants to their individual teams this Friday 13  March.

Matthew Hehner