Did you know that all of our after hours sport is run by parent volunteers?
The parents who run our sports on a Saturday morning receive nothing more than the pleasure of being involved and participating alongside their kids. That’s what we are about at Woodend, participation and giving it a go, not winning at all costs; to be equal and allow all skill levels time to shine. What better way to encourage your child’s involvement and be a positive role model than being involved yourself whether you know the rules or not! At Woodend we encourage Dads, Mums and carers to be involved in whatever way possible.
On any given Saturday morning or weekday night you will find many parents/casers out coaching soccer, AFL, cricket teams, basketball and netball teams so I am here to encourage as many parents/carers as possible to give it a go!
Our working lives are fast paced and busy these days and time is precious. As Woodend grows, we will require more adult support to ensure all our teams continue to be well represented and all children have a range of sporting opportunities in which to actively participate.
As coach of the team you can choose a training time that suits you and your team. You can always share the duties with other parents. If you work 9am-5pm, 5 days a week and can only do the Saturday there may be a good chance that there is someone who is eager to help but cannot commit to the Saturday and will share the coaching responsibility.
The time commitment for coaches is around 1 x hour training one afternoon after school or if need be a Sunday afternoon. Your game time is around 1 – 2 hours on a Saturday morning for AFL and Soccer on a home and away basis. All your game information will be supplied by the coordinator and most of us use email or sms as a way of keeping in contact with you and your team. There will also be use of Team App for communication and support will be provided to help you do this.
Netball is played during the week on a Tuesday after school at SUNA, Morphett Vale and trainings are held on various nights as determined by the coach.
Pedal Prix also requires assistance and parent/carer support.
Cricket runs in Term 1 & 4 so plan ahead.
Basketball, at present, is equipped with a coordinator and coach, and we would like to thank Dana and all her work getting this up and running so quickly this year. Congratulations to all our coaches, scorers and team managers.
In terms 2 & 3 our winter sports commence and there are still vacancies in all teams for AFL and Soccer. Soccer requires a coordinator and these teams will require coaches in most age groups. Teams will not be registered without a coach.
If you can help please contact the relevant coordinator on the phone numbers or emails below.
- Football – Emma Carney – 0410003239
- Soccer – Donna Mansfield – 0450900371 & Jill Vevers – 0410326317
- Cricket – Matthew Hehner 83226422
- Pedal Prix – Debbie Honeyman – 0422567913 & Allison Stewart – 0409300506
- Netball – Leisa Bailey – 0417095029 & Sharyn Paris – 83226422
- Basketball – Dana Pentland – 83226422
- School Contact – Kerri Bruggemann 83226422
Thanking you in advance for your support,
Sports Committee