Thank you to families who recently attended their child’s / children’s student led learning conversation. These meetings are an important part of our annual assessment and reporting practices where students take an active role in sharing their reflections of their achievements from Term 1 and learning goals moving forward. If you were unable to meet with your child’s teacher, please contact them to arrange a time to meet early next term.
Thank you to the many parents who have taken the time to support the school throughout the term. We are fortunate to have supportive families and friends who take an interest in school life. Thank you also to those of you who have completed the necessary volunteer requirements to volunteer at school.
Next term we are keen for our year 5 students to participate in Bike Ed. Unfortunately at this stage we do not have sufficient volunteers to meet our safety obligations for this program to go ahead. If you are able to support this program on Wednesdays in weeks 5-7 (29 May, 5 June and 12 June) please contact Kerri at the front office. If we don’t have the volunteers we will need to cancel this opportunity for our students.
Key Dates for Term 2
- NAPLAN tests: Week 3 (14-16 May)
- NEP Review Meetings during week 4 (20-24 May)
- Parent worksop: Making the most of devices for learning in the Early Years: Week 4 Tuesday 21 May
- Whole School Jumpathon: Week 5 (27-31 May)
- Student Free Day: Week 6 Friday 7 June
- Parent workshop – Wellbeing – Building Healthy Habits: Week 8 Thursday 20 June
- School Disco: Week 8 Friday 21 June
- End of Term: Week 10 Friday 5 July
Best wishes to all for the Easter / School Holiday period.