Dear parents and caregivers,
Once again, thank you so much for your level of support during the last four weeks. We do continue to have a small number of students who are testing positive to COVID-19, which means that notification to Families of particular classrooms will continue as required. It does appear that the two days prior to symptoms being shown, is the infectious period where transmission may occur. It is also quite evident that the use of masks makes a huge difference, as we have only had one staff member test positive from a classroom contact. Being vaccinated also makes a difference and many of our staff have received their booster shot.
I have included below the information that we have about activities that will resume in a Covid safe manner from the start of 28 February 2022. For more comprehensive information, follow the “testing, isolating and quarantine“ link.
From the start of week 5 (28 February 2022) the following can resume:
In schools
- Day excursions and incursions (held outdoors where possible). Please note that some excursion venues may have vaccination requirements.
- Interschool sporting competitions.
- Extra-curricular activities at the school, including choirs, band practice, instrumental lessons attended by a non-school employed music teacher.
- Work experience and work placements.
- Assemblies that are held outdoors.
- Prospective parent tours targeted at students considering enrolling in the school in the coming year held in a COVID safe manner (eg attendees wearing masks when indoors, with social distancing).
- Hiring education sites to community groups outside of school hours can continue as normal.
- Face masks are strongly encouraged for students in years 3 to 6 (when indoors).
- Current testing, isolating and quarantine remains unchanged, including classroom contacts.
- Overnight school camps continue to be postponed.
- Day excursions and incursions (held outdoors where possible).
Visitors in schools can include:
- attending the school for specific events held outdoors (eg spectators attending outdoor sporting games)
- volunteers required by the school
- instrumental music teachers
- visitors attending indoor venues and outside specific events to continue to be minimised (we will continue to have year 1-6 students being dropped off at the gate rather than parents/caregivers coming onto school grounds for the time being).
All adult visitors must wear a face mask when indoors, practise physical distancing, and not attend the site if they are unwell.
COVID-19 settings that remain in place for school staff
- Face masks continue to be required (when indoors) for:
- all adults, except when it impedes ability to teach
- Staff to continue to use outdoor areas and separate rooms for breaks where possible.
- Outdoor learning encouraged where possible.
- Continue to open windows and doors and/or use air-conditioning set to fresh air intake where possible.
Kind regards,
Steve Freeman