The initial contact with students has been via my visits to classrooms, a welcome assembly and year level meetings. At the same time many students have introduced themselves to me as I walked around the school. I have been very impressed with the appropriate use of manners. This has made my first week something that will be quite memorable and has been a great start to my time as Principal, here at Woodend Primary School. Meeting parents at the ‘Cheers and Tears” in the Kitchen was an opportunity for me to begin to get to know some of the Woodend families.
It is clearly evident that all staff, teachers, and school service officers are passionate about their role in educating your child/ren. Over time I will get to know more about each individual person on staff. Education itself is a team effort and as such, teachers are regularly meeting to collaboratively design the learning for students. Later this term we will begin a series of sessions where teachers engage in tasks designed to ensure a level of consistency across year levels. This will be both within our own school and also between schools focussed on assessing the aspects of the Australian Curriculum students have learnt. At the same time a strong focus remains on what it is that they need as their next step in their learning. This is a continuation of work already begun by Woodend Primary School staff. It complements work being carried out across the local Partnership of schools and more broadly across the state in both primary and secondary schools.
One of the Woodend Primary School’s goals for 2017 is to enhance the engagement of parents in childrens’ learning. I encourage everyone to read the Class Blogs and Class Facebook entries, as one strategy to ensure this happens. The Acquaintance Evening coming up shortly is a good time to gain an understanding of what it is that your child/ren will be involved in during the coming weeks and terms. Teachers are keen to share what they are implementing within their classrooms. This will be an opportunity to seek clarification if necessary.
Effective communication is the first aspect of a strong and healthy connection between school and home. Information will continually be added to the School Blog and School Facebook page to assist our partnership in your child’s learning.
Steve Freeman