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Principal’s News – 31st October 2022

by | Oct 31, 2022

Dear Families,

Colour Run
A special thankyou to everyone who helped out with the Colour Run last Friday. Your efforts means that from a Fundraising perspective, it was the largest amount raised in Fundraising memory. Just over $41,000 was raised which after expenses, will allow the purchase of staging for the gym and upgrade of the “street” gardens outside rooms 1 to 10.


 Wakakirri National Award Presented
Wakakirri has been an exciting opportunity for 60 of our students this year. Dance and expression through performing builds identity and confidence as well as showing how social issues can be presented effectively to an audience. The National Award was presented by  David Speirs, Member for Black, today at an assembly. David commented on the amazing live performance they did at the start of the assembly. Thankyou to Kellie Najjar, Vicki Gregory and Jess Ottewell.  Kellie is already giving thought to the 2023 Wakakirri.

Congratulations to all performers.


Parking in Prior Loop
Marion Council noted that a number of drivers are parking across driveways or on yellow lines in Prior Loop, leading to a number of expiation notices being given out. In several cases they saw young children left unattended in cars. This is considered quite dangerous and in future police will be informed who will then follow up with parents. Given how quickly conditions can change inside of a car, there is quite a lot of attention given to these cases when observed.

Please either remain with young children in cars or take them with you when collecting your child from school.

Building Works Progress
All work is going to schedule and I am including several photos of the work so far. We are at the demolition stage and once that is completed, construction work will begin in earnest.

Sports Day on 11th November
Sports Day is open to all parents, grandparents and caregivers.  We look forward to seeing you there to cheer our students on. Thank you to Matt Hehner and the team of student leaders for getting this organised for 2022.

Kind Regards,
Steve Freeman
