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PJ DAY! Week 7, Friday the 16th of June

by | May 19, 2023

This year SRC is working on ways to help our students know more about staying healthy. One of our most recent meetings was focussed on the great things about being a part of a team.

Did you know that there are benefits from being in all kinds of teams, and not just sports teams? Being in a team can improve wellbeing and help with:

  • Better communication
  • Teamwork skills
  • Learning to help others
  • Learning to accept help from others
  • Building trust
  • Having a growth mindset
  • Learning to persist / Not give up
  • Learning from mistakes
  • Getting along with others
  • Meeting new people & making friends
  • Learning new and hard things


At Woodend, we have lots of opportunities for kids to be a part of a team. Some of these are:

  • Woodend Performance Team
  • SAPSASA Sports Teams
  • Leadership Teams (including Sports Day Leaders, SRC, Student Voice)
  • School Sport Teams (basketball, soccer, tennis, football, netball, cricket)
  • Pedal Prix Team
  • Junior and Senior Choir
  • Working Groups and Committees (Library Committee, Digital Leaders, Garden Custodians, Jump Rope)


This year, SRC have agreed that the money raised from our fundraisers will help to support some of these teams. Our first fundraiser for the year is a PJ Day in Week 7. The proceeds from this will go toward the new Pedal Prix bike and other supplies.

Our Pedal Prix team have their first race this Saturday and we wish them luck!


Below are some of the posters created by members of our SRC. Thank you for the effort you put into these! We will proudly display them around the school to encourage everyone to be a part of this day.

Thank you to Ava from room 24 for making the banner used for this blog post.


From Eva, Alexis & Mrs Aparicio, on behalf of the SRC and SRC Leadership Team