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Pedal Prix Bingo Night Friday, 1 May in the School Gym

by | Mar 17, 2015

Come and Join in the Fun and Laughs

in the School Gym

for the Woodend

KPOW Pedal Prix Team

Entry Cost:

  • $20 pp includes games of Bingo. Organise a table of 10.

Payment and Tickets:

  • To book a table please phone Kerri on 83226422 or email
  • Door Prize tickets will be available at the door with your entry fee.
  • Tickets can also be purchased on Thursday after school on the basketball court from 3:15pm

  BYO   Drinks and Nibbles.  

A light supper will be provided.

Tea / Coffee and Soft Drinks will be for sale.

Prizes   Prizes   Prizes Galore !!

***Bring plenty of gold coins for Games & Raffles***

***Bingo Highlighters Pens Sold Separately***

Spread the word to your family and friends.  18 yrs and over event

Note:   All proceeds raised go towards the maintenance and registration of the bike.

pedal prixFor more information please phone Deb Honeyman on 0422567913