Classes for 2016
In order to form classes for 2016 it is important that we estimate our 2016 student numbers as accurately as possible. If your child will not be attending our school next year, please let us know in writing, ASAP. Alternatively, if you have a child due to start school next year, please enrol them now!
Placing students in class groups is a complex process, which takes staff many weeks to work through during term 4 each year.
It is about creating a group of students, which has a gender balance, a range of learning abilities, and a range of behavioural and social needs in each class. Factors such as groups of students who can work collaboratively together in a class setting, preferred learning styles, social and emotional maturity, and even physical size are all considered when making up class groups.
In order to make the best decisions about class groups we need as much information as possible. Teachers provide information on the social, emotional, behavioural and academic needs of students. Students are asked about friendship groups and factors, which help them learn best. Parents also have an opportunity to provide input into this process.
Parent Input
We have a very strong team of excellent teachers and we expect that wherever your child is placed, there will be learning success. Most parents are happy to leave this process to class teachers.
However, some parents may wish to draw our attention to particular needs, which could be considered when working through the placement process. If you feel your input is necessary, please write about your child’s learning needs: academic, social and emotional.
Please do not request particular teachers.
Please let Brian have your input by Friday, 16 October.
Who decides on class placements?
Our teachers do their very best to organise classes which meet everyone’s needs and reflect input from students and parents and past and current teachers,.
We value all input, however it is not always possible to take on board all suggestions. Please understand this and remember that, because of the impact on other students and class balance, no changes can be made after classes are released.
When will parents know about 2016 class placements?
Class placement information will be sent home with students in the last week of Term 4, only if we are in a position to confidently predict there will be no changes to the class structures. In other words, once we announce classes we don’t want to have to make changes.