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OSHC News – Fee Increase From 13 June

by | Jun 1, 2016

Governing Council last week approved increases  in OSHC and Vacation Care fees. All OSHC users have been informed  of these increases via email, however, we  are  aware that the timeline for notification of this increase was very short.  Consequently we are pushing out the  date of commencing this increase to MONDAY 13 JUNE.   

IMG_6538Providing an engaging OSHC and  Vac Care program is something that our OSHC team has done exceedingly well! To  continue offering this great program, which our students  love, we have to provide more funds and find more efficiencies.  Governing Council has  surveyed  local OSHC services and  believes that the following  fees, which will now be effective from Monday 13 June, will allow us to maintain the very high national quality standards and still position us with an affordably priced service.





VACATION CARE ½  DAY …     $27.50   

These new charges bring our fee structure in line with other OSCH services in our area. Previously, our fees have been substantially lower than other services and we have not had an OSHC fee increase for 5 years. There was a Vac Care increase at the beginning of the year.