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Off and running with STEAM events!

by | Oct 13, 2021

On Monday we welcomed Tall Poppy scientists, Dr Lee Yian and Dr Hannah Wardill. Dr Chew is a Neuroscientist, Geneticist and studies worms and Dr Wardill’s science field is Microbiology and Oncology.

Our year 6/7 classes heard about possible pathways into a career in science, what an average day at work looks like, as well as some details about the interesting research they are undertaking in their respective fields.
An engaging and energetic presentation that generated lots of interesting questions.

Yesterday we were fortunate to have Dr Madeline Spracjer come to Woodend and work with our Year 4, 5, 6 classes. Dr Madeline has been researching Sleep for the past 12 years. She talked to the Years 4/5, 5 and 5/6 students about the types, patterns and importance of sleep and she provided tips for better sleep. The students valued question time to clarify their understandings based on her research.