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Nihongo (Japanese) at Woodend

by | Feb 7, 2021

konnichiwa!  こんにちは!

Welcome to Nihongo at Woodend.

We, Sarah Vinall and Rieko Woodley, currently have the pleasure of teaching your child/ren Japanese. Many of you may know of us as Vinall sensei/Woodley sensei or just sensei!

We are passionate about the study of languages and other cultures and we hope to motivate our students to feel the same way.

Language learning in Primary School has two strands that we focus on: Communicating and Understanding. Each of our topics will focus on developing the speaking, listening, reading and writing skills of the students. We will also look at some aspects of Japanese culture and build on students developing an appreciation of another country and its culture.

Please keep an eye on the class Facebook pages where we will post an overview of the coming term and some photos of what goes on in our Japanese classes.

Colourful display by the Year 1s

Students sit on zabuton while on the floor at the small tables