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Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability

by | Jul 24, 2017

We have commenced the annual nationally consistent collection of data on school students with disability.
The Collection is aimed at providing all Australian schools, education authorities and the community with a clear picture of the number of students with disability in schools and the adjustments they require to enable them to participate in education on the same basis as other students.
The data collection will involve the collection of the following information:
• the number of students receiving adjustments to enable them to participate in education on the same basis as other students;
• the level of adjustment provided to students; and
• where known, the student’s type of disability.
Under the Collection model the definition of disability is broad and includes learning difficulties, health and mental health conditions.
If your child is identified for inclusion in the Collection, the required information about your child will be included in this year’s data collection. Parents of identified students will receive a hard copy of this information this week.
Once the data has been collated, it will be de-identified before providing it to the Australian Government Department of Education. This ensures that no student’s identity can be reasonably ascertained.
The data will be used by our school to inform and improve practice for students with disability and by the Department for Education and Child Development to inform state-wide reform initiatives. The Australian Government Department of Education will use the information collected to inform national policy development.
If you have any questions about the data collection please contact Jane-Ann Natar or Diedre Hauber at school on 83226422.
Further information about the Collection can be found at: