Teachers make many adjustments to differentiate the learning program and support student learning success. Teachers across Australia have recently monitored and recorded their adjustments over a 10 week period in preparation for the annual national data collection. Under the Collection model the definition of disability is broad and includes learning difficulties, health and mental health conditions.
At Woodend we have worked with parents to review NEPs, individual learning plans or health care plans for all students who meet the criteria for inclusion in the data collection.
The Collection involves data around: the number of students for whom teachers are making adjustments to enable them to participate in education on the same basis as other students; the level and type of adjustment provided to students; and where known, the student’s type of disability.
The required information about identified students will be included in this year’s data collection, which will occur on Friday 4 August. If your child has an NEP, ILP or Health Care Plan their data will be included in the collection.
If you have any questions about the data collection, please contact Jane-Ann Natar or Diedre Hauber on 83226422. Further information about the Collection can be found at:
Fact Sheet for Parents and Carers
In Brief: Disability Standards for Education