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Myojo @ Woodend … 10th Anniversary Highlights

by | Apr 13, 2016

We Farewelled our friends  from Myojo  last Wednesday.  After 10 years of visits it still doesn’t get  easy to say goodbye.  We are sure that  they feel the same, back in Tokyo.

We thank our wonderful host families for make this stay such an enjoyable and memorable event in the lives of these students.  We know that our families benefit so much too.   Our teachers and classes were once again very welcoming and  thoughtful in making our Japanese students feel so included.

Jun Ire is always doing a great job  back at Myojo to make everything happen smoothly for Japanese  families and we thank him again.  At our school Sarah infall has impressively been able to take up all of the responsibilities of  managing the program.  She has ensured everything was well planned and consequently things went beautifully,  as a result.  We also thank Keiko Sensai for her support for Sarah.

Later this year, it’s our students’ turn to visit  Myojo. Our sixteen students are very excited about this  wonderful experience. We will be working with them, commencing next term, in preparation for this big adventure! Woodend @ Myojo in September: here we come!!

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