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Meet Our Garden Specialist, Kate!

by | Apr 26, 2016

We welcome Kate Washington, our  new garden specialist,  pictured (right) with Amanda Whitrod, our Kitchen Specialist.

Kate will start the term with visits to class, during the scheduled garden session times for Weeks 1&2.  This will give Kate a chance to get to know classes , teachers and volunteers.  If you are a volunteer please come along at the usual time and meet  Kate in your child’s class.

IMG_5798A big thank you to all who have helped in the garden.  In the last  week of term Amanda worked  with students from Karen Sheppard and John Brown’s classes to label beds and plants.  This makes a huge difference to everyone’s understanding of how the garden is organised and what is actually planted.  We have a wonderful rich array of  plants in the garden and we are  hoping to build on the great design and  diverse plantings.  Labels will evolve into more specific information with scientific  names and photographs.