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Let’s start thinking Science!

by | Sep 24, 2017

SCIENCE WEEK EXPO   Thursday 19/10/17 6 – 7pm  &  Friday 20/10/17   9.00am – 3.00pm

Have you started thinking about Science for our Science Expo?  The Expo encourages parents and children to have fun and together, become scientists.  We look forward to seeing the many interesting investigations linked to science/maths/technology that families undertake.  Last year’s Expo we saw such a variety of displays, dioramas, posters and hands-on experiments made by families.

So … we would love a repeat of this and more!

Now is the time to start thinking and planning for the Expo.  Begin conversations with your child about science ideas for the Expo. These holidays are a valuable time to prepare and conduct investigations ready to bring in Term 4 Week 1.

See below for ideas to “spark” your thoughts, along with links to sites that may be useful.

Once your investigation is complete, please bring it to your class before Thursday 19/10/17 so that your class gets to see it and it gets displayed ready for the Expo.

If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to see your teacher.

Lets put our Science Hats on and get started!

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Science links for families to access: