The Department for Education Child protection in schools, early childhood education and care services policy states that ‘all children and young people in the department’s preschools and schools will access the approved child protection curriculum’.
The KS:CPC teaches children and young people to recognise abuse, tell a trusted adult, understand what is appropriate and inappropriate touching and ways of keeping themselves safe.
The teachers delivering the program have received explicit training in the use of the Curriculum. The KS:CPC is a Department for Education responsibility under the South Australia Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017 and the Child Protection in Schools, Early Childhood Education and Care Services policy to ensure that effective abuse prevention programs are implemented and that all children and young people have access to the approved child protection curriculum. Although parent permission is not required under the Education and Children’s Services Regulations 2020, we encourage parents/carers to seek further clarification if required and to provide the teacher with any relevant information about their child that could alleviate any concerns.
The KS:CPC is an evidence based, best practice curriculum developed collaboratively with child protection experts, teachers, educational leaders and other professionals.
The curriculum is based on two main themes which are presented through topics and activities.
- Theme 1: We all have the right to be safe
- Theme 2: We can help ourselves to be safe by talking to people we trust.
Focus Areas
The two themes are explored through four Focus Areas, which are examined in growing complexity in accordance with the age of the learners.
- The right to be safe
- Relationships
- Recognising and reporting abuse
- Protective strategies.
The KS:CPC fits primarily within the Health and Physical Education learning area of the Australian Curriculum and is often incorporated across other learning areas.
More information can be found on the KS:CPC website: Please contact your child’s class teacher or Jane-Ann Natar at the school if you have any questions about the curriculum.