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CODE -Athon: Thank You And Keep That Money Rolling In… It’s not too late to be in the running for some great prizes!

by | Jun 28, 2016

Thanks everyone for your  great support so far.  We are are hoping to purchase some fantastic new equipment for all students to enjoy and learn with in The Studio, our new multimedia exploration room.  The money is now due by Monday 4 July in time for the Prize Raffle Assembly on Wednesday.

Last week our students in rooms 17, 18 and 25 did a fantastic job of running our CODE-Athon. Students from all classes and even our Governing Council parents got in on the act! The workshops, all run by students, gave our classes an introduction to writing code with algorithms. The energy was fantastic and it was great to see our students leading our learning.

The CODE-Athon is our MAJOR FUNDRAISER for the year and money raised will go towards supplying some new equipment for our new Studio space.

It’s not too late to get your donations in! We know that lot’s of people are working hard to get more donations so we have extended the cut off date to Monday 4 July! For every $10 raised, students get a raffle ticket that goes into the draw to win some great prizes. This year we have a GRAND PRIZE for the student that raises the most money. This prize is a “SHPERO: SPRK”, a fantastic programable robotics product that is programmed and controlled with apps.

Our prize draw will be held on Wednesday 6 July at 10:00am in the gym. We have some great prizes including board games, movie tickets, gift cards and toys. We were very lucky to be well supported by some great sponsors that we will highlight in a future blog post. Some of our prizes are on display in the front office.

Some of our great prizes!

We were even in the newspaper!

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Some of the action from the day