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Invitation to Join Parent Network 2019

by | Feb 5, 2019

The Parent Network is a committee of parents who help to build a strong school community and support the parents & families of WPS.

We aim to have at least one parent liaison for each classroom to assist with communication and representation, but we welcome any and all parents/caregivers who would like to join Parent Network… the more the merrier!

Our Parent Network currently runs the:

Ideas are raised by parents each year to support our school and/or our parent community and we welcome your ideas! In the past parents have organised things such as:

  • guest speakers/presentations: such as Mark LeMessieur & Cyber Safety
  • social events such as movie nights, morning cafe, snack swap
  • the colour run school-wide fundraiser

Most of our discussion/planning/sharing takes place in a closed Facebook group, which means anyone can join Parent Network – even if you can’t attend meetings! We will also have regular meetings to chat with the School Principal or to plan certain events.

If you would like to join the 2019 Parent Network please fill out the form below – we will send you the link to join our closed facebook group along with our welcome & induction information.

Please also let your classroom teacher know on or before the Acquaintance Night on Tues Feb 12th that you are joining Parent Network 2019 as we will ask teachers to identify one primary parent liaison per class.

If you have any questions at all about Parent Network please email

We look forward to meeting you in our group!