Learning is developmental and ongoing and can occur in many different ways and places. Students learn by doing, seeing, trying and practising at home, at school, in the playground, in the community and with friends. Learning at school is one part of the learning continuum. After learning at school it is essential for children of all ages to play, relax and join in other activities such as sport, visiting friends and family and participating in hobbies, clubs and community events. There are also experiences and activities that students can undertake at home that support, reinforce and add value to the specific learning they do at school. Homework time can be enjoyable for parents and help build an understanding of the learning journey.
Our Homework policy was reviewed, updated and ratified by Governing Council in 2017. The review began in 2015 and staff, parents and students looked at current research into the benefits of Homework for Primary aged students. The school community were invited to complete a survey about homework and the results were shared with staff and Governing Council in 2016. A staff working group then documented a policy that was eventually shared with staff and Governing Council in 2017.
The aim of the document is to be utilised as a framework and allows scope for teachers and students to find a balance that will fit with each individual class needs. The idea behind the framework is to assist in creating self-regulated students who are able to successfully manage their learning both at school and at home.