$67.5 million funding boost to accelerate student achievement
The State Government will provide a $67.5m funding boost to public school students who have been identified as needing more help to lift literacy and numeracy across the state.
Primary school students who are not achieving expected standards or growth will benefit from dedicated intervention funds provided to their school.
Under the 4 year $67.5m Literacy and Numeracy First plan, schools will use extra funds on high-impact teaching strategies to lift student achievement. Schools will use a range of evidence-based teaching strategies, including extra teachers, literacy and numeracy coaches or targeted programs. Improvement strategies will be overseen by a newly-established independent panel of education experts.
The recent NAPLAN results show there has been improvement in numeracy across all year levels in the state, but more work is needed to lift achievement to a higher level for all students in numeracy and in literacy.
The targeted funding – for students in public primary schools – is designed to lift achievement and modernise the state’s public education system to prepare young South Australians for jobs of the future.
For more information visit the department’s website.