Our school grounds are fantastic and we wish to keep on maintaining and developing them. There is a wonderful opportunity to have the dream job of full-time (38 Hours per week) groundsperson at our school, for someone with the skills and creativity required. We have advertised on DECDjobs for a full time grounds person and we invite anyone interested to apply. Follow this GSE3 – WOODEND PS – GROUNDS. This will be a highly sought after position, so please make anyone you think would be a great asset to our school, aware of this great opportunity. This job starts by the end of this month and is a permanent (ongoing) position.
This year we have had a giant change in our grounds staff. Ian Jones and Keith Smith were our long term grounds staff for the past ten years. Ian has been working in Darwin for the past 2 years and has decided that he will not be returning. As you know, Keith retired last Friday. While Ian was away Kevin Spraakman took over that role, and created many fabulous assets for our school in his 18 months with us. However, that was always a temporary role until Ian’s recent decision not to return. Kevin eventually took up a full time role at another school. Tim Mottershed also spent time at our school this year, and we were disappointed when he too had an opportunity for full time employment at another school, which was again too good to pass up, when we only had temporary work to offer.
It’s now our turn to create a wonderful long term opportunity for the right person. Who will it be? We will know in a few weeks.
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