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Full steam ahead for STEAM Week 2021!

by | Sep 6, 2021

Term 4, Week 1 (11th – 15th of October)

We are excited to be holding our annual STEAM Week again this year. Through a range of activities and celebrations, students will have the opportunity to imagine, action and showcase their ideas in the fields of science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics!

The theme this year is ‘Food: Different by Design’. (Think: solutions for creating a sustainable food future in our world)

What’s Happening?
  • Now: Register your interest in sharing your special interest or career related to STEAM

Families and friends of Woodend are invited to visit classes to share about their interest or career in the areas of science, technology, engineering, arts and/or maths. Please contact your child’s teacher for more information.

  • Term 3 School Holidays: Family Projects

Families can choose to plan an investigation or conduct an experiment for students to share with their classes at their expo on Friday the 15th of October. Families may choose to follow the theme, ‘Food: Different by Design’ or do something different in the areas of science, technology, engineering, arts and/or mathematics.

  • Term 4 , Week 1 | Monday – Friday: Class Investigations & Activities

All classes will participate in an investigation where they will have the opportunity to design creative, imaginative and innovative solutions to real world problems and share their learning with their peers. Special activities, lunchtime programs and STEAM experiences will be offered throughout the week. 

  • Tuesday the 12th of October @ 7pm: Arts Showcase (virtual event)

In a similar format to last year, students who learn an instrument at school or participate in special interest Arts programs (such as choir, Wakakirri or the IMS program offered through the Department for Education Music) will present our annual performing arts showcase evening. Formerly known as ‘Music Night’, the Arts Showcase will be available to stream from 7pm via our News Blog and Woodend Primary School Facebook page.

  • Thursday the 14th of October: Nude Food Day

The SRC is hosting our school’s first Nude Food Day! To reduce the amount of single use plastic wrappers coming into our school, students are encouraged to bring their lunch in reusable packaging and consider the positive impact this can have on our school and local community. Students who participate in this initiative will receive a special raffle ticket and will be in the running to win some fun and useful prizes!

  • Friday the 15th of October: STEAM Week Class Expo

An opportunity for students to share their family projects or investigations with their class.

For extra ideas and reminders relating to all things STEAM Week, follow the Facebook Event ‘STEAM Week @ Woodend Primary School‘.


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