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by | Jan 28, 2021

Dear families,

The Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA) has recently advised that much of metropolitan Adelaide and some areas of the Riverland are in fruit fly outbreak or suspension areas.

To help South Australia fight fruit fly becoming an established pest, PIRSA is introducing the following movement restrictions, effective immediately until at least Thursday 15 April 2021.

It is families’ responsibilities to follow these restrictions, and preschools and schools are not required to monitor students and/or their lunchboxes. If parents have any queries as to which fruit or fruiting vegetable are affected, please visit

Please find attached, the information from the Government related to Fruit Fly infestation.

At the stage of writing this BlogPost, Sheidow Park is not in the current fruit fly zone, however this could change.

In relation to fruit in children’s lunchboxes, please read the information carefully.

Thankyou for your help in this matter,

Kind regards,

Steve Freeman


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