[embeddoc url=”https://woodendprimaryschool.edublogs.org/files/2022/06/Parent-Webinars-2022-flier-APHN-4.docx” download=”all” viewer=”microsoft”]
Calm and Co-operative kids free parent webinar – presented by Psychologist Kirrilie Smout
This webinar focusses on helping children who have a tendency towards frustration and difficulties managing impulses or feeling uncooperative. This newly written free parent webinar is on Wednesday 8th of June 2022 at 6:30pm (ACST)
Zoom details below and flier with more info attached. (we do not record these webinars) no rsvp required.
Click here:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87172614896?pwd=K0YxWU5YYy9aYnZqcjlsakw1RXNRZz09
Zoom Meeting ID: 871 7261 4896 Passcode: 276561
Calm Kid Central is a website that provides parents with resources to help children with emotional, social or life challenges to learn the skills they need to feel calm, confident and cooperative .
Go to: www.calmkidcentral.com for psychological support program Calm Kid Central.