Every year our Year 7 students work with dance instructor Sue Howard to choreography two dances for presentation at our farewell assembly on the last day of the school year.
Both the boy’s dance and the girl’s dance are usually quite unique and very creative. We love it that all students are involved and fully participate as a team in these dances. This has been an important part of our graduation theme; that everyone participates and everyone is important.
In recent years, as the school has grown we have had performance of the two dances on the last Wednesday of the term, for Yrs R-2 classes. This gives us more space in the gym for the the farewell assembly which is usually a packed room. The R-2 classes join us at the final assembly after the dances have been performed to Yrs 3-7 classes and the large contingent of parents and friends.
This year the girls performed to Donna Summer’s Last Dance. The boy’s performance was to Dancing in the Street. Once again we were extremely impressed by their efforts and expertise.
Below are photos from the performance for JP classes on Wednesday 14 December.
Below are photos from the performance at the Farewell Assembly on Friday 16 December.
Further photos of the performance as well as information about the various awards presentations that were made at the assembly, will be published on the school website in early 2017. At the assembly Brian in giving a final acknowledgement to everyone for their great efforts, made particular mention of the R-7 team efforts that have supported the development of our Year 7 graduates, the efforts of their Year 6/7 teachers.
He acknowledged our long standing families, many of whom have contributed significantly to the culture and resources of the school over many years and are now moving on as their last child graduates. We will miss the close association we have had with them and wish them all the best in their future endeavours. Our volunteers of the year , Alex Moran and Kym Sard, were also again acknowledged. Brian also acknowledged Pru Riggs for her fantastic efforts to maintain the school website for the past 14 years. Pru will continue to provide this service in 2017.