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FAQ’s about our Woodies Goodies Canteen

by | Aug 3, 2022

Hi all 🙂

Last term we received some questions from parents/carers and students regarding the Canteen. We thought we would answer them here.

  • What items do we sell over the counter at recess and lunch times? We sell a range of items over the counter to students and staff. These items do vary due to availability. We have also tried including some items over the counter that were available on QKR. Please find below the list of items and prices


  • If I owe the Canteen money how do I pay? You can pay cash directly to the Canteen and the front office or via QKR. To pay through QKR you need to select Woodies Goodies Canteen Menu 2022, then select a day, then Pay my Canteen Invoice tab, you will need to enter the amount you owe on your invoice (the amount doesn’t automatically appear) then add to your cart and finalise your payment. Keep in mind if you are wanting to order a lunch order for the same day you will need to do this all in one transaction. QKR only allows one transaction per day


  • Are volunteers allowed back in the Canteen? Yes they are. 😊 Due to limited space within the Canteen at this stage it’s one volunteer per day. We will shout out when this changes because we can’t do it without our lovely volunteers


  • If I have ordered a lunch order for my child and they become unwell what do I do? If it’s before 9am you can cancel the lunch order on the QKR app, the money will be held as a credit for next time. After 9am contact the school and you can arrange it for another day. If it’s close to lunch time please understand we would have already prepared it and it’s too late to cancel. If you come into the canteen you can take it home with you


  • Will items be added back onto QKR? Yes and no. Some items won’t return because they were just too time consuming on our busiest days. Others will when they become readily available to source. We will also add some favourites as specials that can be enjoyed once a week. This is a slow process because the availability of stock keeps changing.


Thank you all for your continued support and understanding. We hope this has helped answer your questions. 🙂


From the Canteen Staff


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