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Retirement of WCC Director: Emmy Kiriakou

by | May 26, 2021

Dear Families,
I have attached a letter from Emmy who many of you know well. She has been Director at the Woodend Children’s Centre long enough to have seen many of the children and families who are currently in years Reception to year seven at our school. Her temporary replacement, Ann Millhouse is an excellent person to be taking up the role in terms 3&4. I know Ann well and she is an experienced and very personable Director who will support families in their transition from Preschool to School.

I am well aware of the dedicated work that Emmy has put in to the Children’s Centre over many years, and wish her well for her retirement with a big thank you from Woodend School. Emmy has always had the children at the centre of her thoughts and actions and has been a strong supporter of our school, working closely with Cathie Luke and teachers to ensure the best outcome for those children in her care as they have move to Reception each year.

Emmy’s letter is below.

Steve Freeman


Dear Parents/Caregivers,

I am writing to inform you I am going on leave  for Term 3  and Term 4 of this year with a view to retirement .

I will not be returning to Woodend Children’s Centre.

It has been a wonderful 10 years working with the Woodend Children’s Centre children, parents and community. I have enjoyed working with a dedicated and highly skilled staff during this time. The links that have been forged with Woodend Primary School have been invaluable .

My last days working with children are Wednesday 30th June for the Kookaburra group and Friday 2nd  July for the Koala group.

My replacement for Terms 3 &4 is Ann Millhouse who is a highly skilled and dedicated preschool director with many years’ experience. Please make her welcome to our centre and community.

I will be writing follow up emails during the next 5 weeks to keep you informed.

Have a good day

Kind Regards

Emmy Kiriakou   Centre Director

Woodend Children’s Centre

20 Bathbank Crescent

Sheidow Park SA 5158

Ph 08 83221069