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Do you have these items for our play program?

by | Aug 13, 2023

We would be appreciative of any of the following items for our play program for the Reception – Year 2 children.  If you or someone you know is having a clean out of cupboards, we would happily accept any of your preloved items.  In particular, the following items:

  • pots and pans
  • wooden or plastic bowls, boards, trays, containers
  • wooden or metal utensils egs. ladles, spoons
  • plastic measuring containers
  • aprons
  • recipe books
  • sand play equipment
  • car/vehicle carpet play mats

You could give them to the front office to be passed onto Mrs Luke. Thank you in advance.

We have recently replenished some of our playboxes and puzzles.  These playboxes are based on a theme and contain play items linked to that theme. They also contain items to develop children’s literacy and numeracy skills.

For example,

  • ‘Teddy Bear’s Picnic’ playbox contains: ‘Teddy Bear’s Picnic’ picture fiction text, teddy bears, back packs, picnic rug and picnic set
  • The ‘Cafe’ playbox contains recipes, clipboard and menus, writing tools, plastic food items, cash register, cooking utensils, money and dress ups

The playboxes are rotated between our Reception to Year 2 classes.  The young children are very engaged and not only enjoy the new items but draw on their imagination, creativity, problem-solving and social skills to invent several scenarios linked to their real life experiences.