Dear Families,
The COVID-19 situation is changing every aspect of lives as we know it. I particularly want to extend my thoughts and best wishes to those of you who have been directly affected by the COVID-19 situation, whether it be work or family related. This is a difficult time for many of our Woodend Community and we appreciate your strong support for our teachers and children during this period.
We know that following the announcement by Scott Morrison, Prime Minister, many families are now impacted by a sudden change in work situation. Please know that you are in our thoughts.
I want to pass on that Jarrod Lamshed, one of our Leadership team, has been overseas for 3 weeks working in a school in Germany, followed by some time in the UK. He has returned and went directly into the required isolation. On Monday of this week, he was diagnosed as testing positive for the Coronavirus. Jarrod will be in quarantine until a medical officer has cleared him to return to work. I want you to be aware of this as his situation does not impact on our school as he has not been here.
The changes listed below are designed to limit the amount of contact that happens between adults. This is for the protection of staff, families and children. I thank you in advance for following the new way of working.
These changes take place immediately.
Steve Freeman
- Please ensure that you are reading the updates as they come through. It will keep you acquainted with the latest developments as it effects your child/ren.
- Please keep to the social distance between adults that is recommended by the health experts. At this time, that has been increased to a 2 metre distance from another person, excluding your child/ren of course.
Limited School Access by Families
- The Atrium is a no-go zone. Signs will be in place as from 24/3/20, allowing students only to enter through the GlassHouse, the Walkway next to Room 30 and the Office area. We ask that you say your goodbyes outside. Teachers will be in place at times to assist.
- The school office area has been changed so that there is at least 2 metres between Kerri on the Front Office desk and adult visitors. There is a sign in place and tape will be on the floor as a reminder.
- We expect that all Year 3-7 students are dropped off and picked up at the school gate and that there is no need for parents to enter the school grounds itself.
- We expect that Year R-2 students are dropped off and picked up at the classroom door or in the case of the Atrium, at the designated entrance to the Atrium. If your child is confident, you may arrange to do this at another location within the school.
Being on the School Grounds
- Parents/caregivers are to be on school grounds for the minimum time possible. This means that if you are dropping your child off, to do so, and then leave promptly.
- At the end of the day, please collect your child and then leave promptly. This means not using the play equipment after school or stopping to chat with friends. It is imperative that we reduce the opportunity for infections to occur as much as possible.
- Please encourage other Woodend families to be regularly reading the Blog, if they are not doing so already.
- Communication with teachers to be via email (this is the school email; Kerri will forward the emails to the appropriate teacher), Seesaw or the class Facebook page. Face to face meetings are not possible at this time.
- In the event of a family emergency, please phone Kerri on 83226422.
- In light of possible hardship following many jobs being downgraded or lost after the weekend shutdowns, we have extended the due date for school fees for those who need to, until the end of term 3.
- Any fees paid such as sports registration, pedal prix etc, that have not been used by the end of the year, will be refunded to families.
- The balance of unused excursion levies will be refunded at the end of the year. We are not sure at present if excursions will be possible at all this year, but we hope that there may be opportunities later in 2020.
- QKR is to be used for all payments. Until further notice, no payments will be accepted directly at the finance desk.
Continuity of Learning
- Teachers have been spending considerable time preparing for the possibility of online learning in the event of school closure. This is in addition to the day to day work that they are doing. This has been a directive from The Department.
- As a result, teachers will not be providing additional work for students at home during the next couple of weeks. If this changes in any way, you will be updated in a Blog Post.
Student Absences
- Absences have been steadily climbing over the last week. We fully understand your efforts to keep your family (and often others) safe. Please just ensure that Kerri is informed so that she can make the necessary change in our records. A phone call or email will suffice.
- If collecting a sick child, the process is as follows;
– come to the front desk (2 metre rule applies)
– Kerri will sign the child/ren out.
– The child/ren will be collected by Kerri and brought to the front office.
– Then you leave with your child/ren.
(please note that NO parent is to collect their child directly from the classroom throughout the school day)
- Canteen will continue at this stage and steps have been introduced to limit the number of students standing together at any one time.
- Servers wear rubber gloves – no hands actually touch money.
- Students will still be able to order but some items may change due to availability.
- Changes have been made to pick up and drop off at OSHC. Now this will happen on the western side of the school hall (opposite side to what has been the usual entrance).
- No parent is to enter the Hall area during drop off or pick up.
- Where possible, communication is to be by email or phone contact.
- Discussions with staff will need to respect the 2 metre rule.
- All drinking fountains have been turned off. Students get water from allocated taps or from Kerri at the front office.
- Additional cleaning of classroom areas is happening daily, funded by the Government. This is the cleaning of all surfaces (eg desks), door handles and common touch areas.
- Soap pumps are available for all classrooms. Washing of hands will take place on entry to the classroom or close to, supervised by the classroom teacher.
- We are waiting on additional supplies of sanitiser and paper towels.
- NAPLAN testing for year 3, 5 and 7 students has been cancelled for 2020.
- The Annual Student Well Being Survey for 2020 has been cancelled due to the lack of student numbers.