Dear families,
There have been limited updates to report on since my last blog post, however, we are still following the guidelines as recommended by both The Department and the Government in relation to COVID-19.
This will include the following;
Any child who comes to school and is unwell
Any child that is presenting as having any symptoms such as a cough, runny nose, headache, high temperature or other illness, will be sent home and should not return to school until they are completely clear of all symptoms. Please note that if children are returned to school, and are still symptomatic, they will be sent home again.
Social Distancing for all adults
The restrictions about adults entering the school grounds and the school classrooms and buildings continues. Please expect that this will continue for at least the remainder of this term, and possibly beyond. It is pleasing to see the number of adults who when on school grounds are remaining 1.5 m apart as per the social distancing expectations. Parents should maintain the 1.5m physical distance between themselves and other adults (parents and teachers) at all times, including school drop off and pick up.
Use of playgrounds before and after school
It is important that all parents follow the requirement that nobody is permitted on to school playground equipment either before or after school. I have noticed that on some occasions there have been quite a few children allowed on the middle playground by their parents directly after school. Unfortunately, if that does continue, as a safety and health measure, the playground may need to be closed for the duration. Please help us to keep everyone safe.
Celebrations of special times such as birthdays
During the time of COVID-19 we will also not be accepting any food from parents into classrooms for parties etc, so unfortunately birthday and another celebratory times will not be able to have the types of sharing that they have been used to in the past. This is due to us being unable to ensure health requirements can be met with the sharing of food and utensils.
Camps and Excursions
Camps and excursions at this point in time are not being considered, which is a directive from The Department. This looks like it is going to be a term by term arrangement and we will follow the advice that we are given. SA Health believe it presents an unnecessary risk due to the transport and logistics involved, the need for extra supervisors/parent involvement and sharing of equipment. Just a reminder that any unspent excursion levy will be returned towards the end of the year.
School Reports
Later this term they will be the normal reporting process, though it is more difficult now for teachers to provide an accurate assessment of the growth of learning, given the amount of time that has been missed from face-to-face learning in the school setting. Your child will receive a written comment, however, they will not be as comprehensive as seen in previous reports. Your child will be given a grading (unless in Reception where grades are not given), but it will be in the context of the reporting period being during the COVID-19 event. We are assuming that at the end of the year we will be able to provide a far more detailed report about your child’s progress in their learning.
School Sports
PE (involves 1 class of 1 school and is part of the curriculum) and therefore the restrictions of 10 people doesn’t apply and continues as usual.
SA Health has advised the restrictions outlined in ‘Step 1’ of the state’s Roadmap only apply to school sport, which may involve students from multiple classes or more than one school, and is not part of the curriculum.
School sports competitions will recommence at Step 2 (June 1st) of the roadmap but only for non and low-contact sports, and only for localised rather than state-wide or regional competitions. The exact timing of this, will be dependent on having coaches available at the time. It is also a condition that only one parent is present with their children and that a record is kept of all people who are present at the training in case of future tracing needs.
Kitchen program
Due to the involvement of food and food handling, the kitchen program is still being deferred until we get appropriate advice from the Department of Health. Since Amanda Whitrod retired, we have chosen not to advertise the position until we are certain that we are able to have the person gainfully employed in that role. When that does happen the position will be advertised in the school blog as well as on SEEK.
Kind regards,
Steve Freeman