Congratulations to all our Year 7 students. We are sad to see you moving on but wish you all the best in your future learning and relationships. We love the way you conducted yourselves as learners and citizens. Our younger students really could look up to so many good roll models.
Our Graduation Ceremony on Thursday 10 December was another memorable event; an evening of acknowledgements and celebration. Mr Marshall talked about the great team efforts, R-7, from all teachers and SSOs, to bring about strong learning growth for all students. He talked about the important team efforts of parents and peers that help build students’ learning capacity and the strong culture we have at Woodend. A key observation from Mr Marshall was that the learning journey was about students becoming more mindful of what is happening around them and within them and being able to respond in increasingly sophisticated ways to this growing awareness. This was about being focused on learning how to learn and continuing to do that as a life long pursuit.
There were speeches from many others: Karen Gunton (Governing Council Chairperson), April Grey and Trent Denning (SRC Leaders), all the class teachers of the Year 7 students, a pair of Valedictory Speakers from each class; every student introduced another student; a musical interlude was performed by four students; and our Academic and Citizenship Awards were presented by Deputy Principals, Fay Magias and Jane-Ann Natar.
This was followed by a formal and fun dance demonstration and then the Year 7 social. The final part of the graduation celebrations was the Farewell Assembly which took place on Friday 11 December.
Students introduced each other and were then individually presented with their memento, which included the Year 7 magazine.
Minh, Ella, Matthew and Zac performed.
Governing Council Chairperson Karen Gunton, thanked all teachers on behalf of parents.
SRC Leaders Trent (Yr 6!) and April , spoke about the SRC focus on managing impulses and generating questions. They also thanked the other members of their leadership team.
Valedictory speakers for Liz Armanas’ class: Sara and Alex
Valedictory speakers for Aimee Aparicio’s class: Emily and Iman
Valedictory speakers for Jarrod Lamshed and Felicity Shevchenko’s class: Ella and Miles
Valedictory speakers for Don Zampogna’s class: Emma and Minh
Valedictory speakers for Merry Whelan’s class: Calvin and Ella
Deputy Principals Fay Magias and Jane-Ann Natar presented the special awards. We were very pleased that Fay was able to be part of this evening and that she was able to symbolically hand over to Jane-Ann, who will be our Deputy Principal for the next five years.
The ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AWARD was presented to students achieving academic excellence, working towards greater influence on others’ learning and working towards greater participation in all learning activities.
Congratulations Academic Achievement Award Winners: Samantha Black, Emily Chybinski and Minh Nguyen
The CITIZENSHIP AWARD Citizenship Award was presented to students making significant contributions for the benefit of others. This included having a positive influence on the learning of others.
Congratulations Citizenship Award Winners: Patrick Hann, Ella Hadley, April Grey, Adele Cocks, Briarne Kliems-Carlaw
Thank you to Don, Merry, Jarrod, Felicity, Aimee and Liz for another fabulous sustained team effort. Diedre Hauber, learning support manager, is also a valued member of the Yr 6/7 teacher team and we thank her for her efforts.
The Graduation Cake was a lovely focal point for the photos and it was also delicious! Thank you so much to Sandra Davies for creating such an impressive addition to our special celebrations.
Room 17 Room 19 Room 25 Room 28 Room 29