Part of our review of our emergency procedures and communication processes this year includes a new system of notifying parents when there has been an emergency situation at the school. This has always been a difficult task as the logistics of individually contacting families by phone or email in the case of an emergency has made it an impossible task. With the implementation of ‘Team App’ as a part of our communications strategy this can now be achieved in a much more timely fashion. From now, emergencies notifications will go to parents via Team App.
If you haven’t already joined team app, it is easy to do. The app is available for free on all smart phones and tablets and can also be accessed from a computer ( Once you have the app, search for ‘Woodend Primary School’ and join.
Team app is also used to notify families of last minute changes such as sport cancellations. You may select the teams that are relevant to you (eg your child’s class and sports teams) which activates the notifications that you need for your relevant groups. If you don’t selsct a team you will only receive whole school notifications.
We will be having an emergency procedures drill in the coming week and will trial the Team App notification system as part of the drill process.
Thank you for your support in ensuring you are receiving communications from school.