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Christmas Best Wishes To All

by | Dec 18, 2016

We’ve all enjoyed another Woodend School Community Christmas Event and we thank all performers for a fabulous three hours of fun and christmas cheer.  Thank you also to all the volunteers who help with our canteen services on the night.  We think our big  crowd of over 2000 people had a great family time. It is always wonderful to see so many past students here too.   As always the fireworks were an extra special treat and on such a perfect night, they were even more spectacular.

A big thank you to Dave Aparicio for coordinating all of the sound files and ensuring  there was music between all the performances. A big thank you to the parent network and to the staff for their performances.  We know that students love to see adults up on the stage.  Maybe next year we’ll see a few more adult acts.

Here are some photos.  If you have a few good  ones please email them to us and we will add them to this post.

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