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Building Reading Skills in the Early Years!

by | May 28, 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,

Learning to read is one of the most important life skills.  However, it is not a natural human skill developed by humans.  Our human brain is not hardwired to read.  We have to help our children learn the skills required to read. In partnership with you, we will assist them to:

–       Continue to build their oral language skills

–       Build their repertoire of known sounds/phonemes

–       Blend together sounds to make small words

–       Make connections between sounds/phonemes & letters/graphemes

–       Make meaning from their attempts at writing and reading

–       Develop fluency as they read more and more


We are committed to ensuring your child builds all the skills necessary to read.  At home, we ask that you also commit to helping your child to:

–       Practise their sounds       REGULARLY

–       Practise their tricky words        REGULARLY

–       Practise their reading       REGULARLY


We know that you have been enjoying reading books to your child and we ask you to continue this enjoyable experience AND when they bring home a school decodable or reader, please make the time to listen to them practise their reader, regularly.

As your child completes reading with you or an adult in your family, please record in their reading journal with a positive comment or smiley face.  The reader can also be one of the texts on ‘Wushka’. Your child can then colour-in a ‘book‘ on his/her record sheet (see below). This gives us an indication of the regularity of their reading practice which reflects on their progress. Your child receives a certificate for the completion of his/her reading sheet!  Our goal is to have them reading their reader every day!

Thank you for your support,

Woodend Early Years team, 2024 – Ms Schmitt, Mrs Oxenberry, Ms Moran, Mrs Smith, Mrs Thewlis, Mrs Edwards, Ms Bateson, Mrs Ogilvie, Ms Bolt, Ms Yardley, Ms Hashemi, Ms Goudie, Ms Boys, Ms Cox, Jude, Ms Rolls, Ms Murphy and Mrs Luke.

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