We’d like families to be Reading and Reviewing.
The most exciting time of the year, at least from the Library perspective, is fast approaching. This year Book Week will be celebrated at Woodend Primary School in Week 5, from August 22-26. The national theme for Book Week this year is Australia…Story Country. Our Focus for Book Week is: READ AND REVIEW. We want there to be lots of reading and discussion about books in classes and at home. We would love all families to participate in the following activity: If you have a story you enjoy together at home, we would love you to work together to create a book review and send it to us. Digital copies can be sent to me on lyn.klinkert287@schools.sa.edu.au. Hard copies can be delivered to the Library. In classes students will also be writing reviews and enjoying being enveloped in story country. We are hoping through this focus to create a wonderful rich Book Review resource on our library blog for students and families.
We have a number of activities planned for Bookweek.
During lunch times: the student Library Assistants will be running lunch time activities for Reception to Year 5 students. Posters advertising these activities should be displayed in classrooms soon.
Book Character Dress Up Day On Friday, August 26: all students are invited to dress up as a book character on this day. At 9:15 am R- 2 classes will parade around the oval. This will be a fun day, when reading and talking about books and our love of literature will be even more of a focus.
The Premiers Reading Challenge is also drawing to a close. Students should be ready to hand their reading logs to classroom teachers. They are due on 26 August. You can appreciate the time it takes Sarah to input all information into our system.
Thank you for your continued support: for finding the elusive overdues, for encouraging the love of books and reading. Our job would be very difficult without your help.
Lyn Klinkert
Teacher Librarian for Terms 3&4, 2016