There is no safe threshold to missing school
School attendance is compulsory and students are expected to:
- attend school every day the school is open
- arrive at school and to all lessons and activities on time
- participate positively in all learning activities.
On average, Woodend PS students attendance for 2023 is 91% which is just short of our goal of 95%. While the vast majority of our students attend school regularly, we have approximately 11 students who average only 4 days per week attendance and another 15 students who average only 9 days per fortnight at school.There is also a small number of students who are late for school approximately 50% of the days they attend.
International research shows that this pattern of non-attendance is an early warning sign that a student could have significantly lower learning and wellbeing outcomes throughout their life.
Congratulations to our families who are consistent with attendance!
If you are experiencing difficulties with maintaining consistent attendance for your child, please reach out to a member of the leadership team at school who will be able to support you.